For that reason you can use Font methods to adjust the size. Instead of typing the symbols out each time we want to use them, we can define an enumeration where each case identifies a symbol. SF Symbol images are maintained as text so that it can be added inside a text as well. This may not seem like a big deal, but some of the icon names are quite long, for example: Image(systemName: ".checkmark.fill") If you’ve worked on any large development projects, you’ll likely have encountered a design system. This means you have no auto-completion to help you spell out the symbol name, and you may have to look up the symbol name every single time you want to use it (side note: you can view the symbols using the SF Symbols App). Utilise the Swift type system for simple, customisable SwiftUI components. The only issue with SF Symbols is you have to type out the symbol name each time you want to use the symbol. SF Symbols can be easily customized to be used as tab bar items, navigation bar items, or buttons throughout your app. SF Symbols are designed to integrate beautifully with the San Francisco system font, making it even easier for you to design beautiful iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps. SF Symbols were introduced during WWDC 2019 and provide a set of over 1,500 configurable symbols for use in apps. package(url: "", from: "v1.0.1") SF SymbolsĪ better way to use Apple's SF Symbols. Use your own image in a label First, make sure to add an image to your Xcode project.